


2020年12月4日,世外教育集团第三届英语节中学部汇演以“唱支歌儿给党听 Ode to My Beloved Red Flag ”为主题,以线上线下融合的方式在上海金山区世界外国语学校小剧场隆重举行,现场汇演与录制节目合成直播取得圆满成功。世外学子在本届参赛与汇演活动中,不仅展示出扎实渊博的中华传统文化底蕴,也以精彩英文表达讲好每一章属于中国的故事,致敬党的百年诞辰!




Principal's Speech


第一章  开天辟地

Founding of the Communist Party of China


Almost 100 years ago, a small building in Shanghai and a small boat in Jiaxing witnessed the birth of the Communist Party of China. The founding of the CPC is always closely connected with the destiny of China, which is a thick book full of remarkable achievements and spirit. Thanks to WFL students’ performances, we are able to recall the glorious history of our Party and country.

第二章 中流砥柱

Pillar of Nation


China's achievements in reform and opening up over the past 30 years have attracted worldwide attention. China is moving towards prosperity and strength step by step, ushering in an unprecedented golden age in Chinese history. This year has also witnessed the 30th anniversary of Pudong's development and opening-up. WLF students will learn from the spirit of communists and strive to become the pillar of nation by contributing to the development of our country.

第三章 砥砺奋进

Marching Ahead of the Times


The CPC is always marching ahead of the times and committed to creating a moderately prosperous society in all respects. By high-speed railways, WFL students travel thousand miles to discover the secret of China, enabling us to embrace the convenience and happiness of life.

第四章 不忘初心

Remaining True to Original Aspiration


In 2020,China has succeeded in controlling the COVID-19 pandemic. The best of times reveals the best in people as we are fighters! The CPC has never failed to remain true to its original aspiration and the loyal spirit of the elder generation will continue to pass on to every one of WFL students.


Through the three-hour English Festival, WFL students have displayed splendid performances to celebrate the birthday of our party and demonstrated their love for CPS.WFL upholds a strong sense of social responsibility, which aims to educate elite students with “Root in China, Eyes on the World! ”and to spread high-quality education resources to more children. As a small unit in China, we unite around the CPC closely, making great efforts for the well-being of all the people.  Let’s wish WLF Education Group a brighter future! Let’s wish the CPC a happy 100-year-old birthday!